Our whole team would like to enthusiastically welcome you to the Le Lichen. There are plenty of parking spaces available to guests. Car parking facilities are located at the hotel for your use. Please specify when making a booking. Free for you Conveniences, such as a free newspaper delivered day-to-day, are offered in every single room. Parking is located directly at the hotel for free. We have an Internet terminal at the hotel which you can use free of charge. In addition, there is free Wi-Fi in public areas. Make yourself at home A safe is available at the reception for your valuables. Within the hotel a lobby is included. Where you will stay Satellite TVs are available in each of the hotel rooms. Each room features a convenient landline. Volley ball is one of the leisure activities available at the hotel and is a big hit among our guests. Leisure activities available include windsurfing and diving. Our hotel provides walking paths for the visitors to enjoy some fresh air. Business hours of reception: On business days: from 08:00 to 23:00 .