We would like to cheerfully welcome you to the Marco's. Guests of our hotel who are travelling by train can easily reach the cushy hotel by foot. For the convenience of our hotel quests, car parking space is available at the hotel on request. The public rooms in the hotel all offer WiFi. Make yourself at home Our hotel safety deposit box ensures security for your valuables. Take advantage of the garden terrace. Aficionados of both food and skittles will be very pleased at our hotel, as the hotel has its own acclaimed restaurant and a popular skittles alley. Where you will stay All of the rooms are kept to the right temperature thanks to the easy-to-use air conditioner! Desks are available in each of the hotel rooms. Courtesies, such as cable TV for visual and audio entertainment, can be found in all hotel rooms. Each guest appreciates having its own safety deposit box featured in every single room. In every single room a properly functioning landline is included. The bathrooms in this hotel have windows for your convenience. Your room's bathroom entails towel warmers as well as a hand-held hair-dryer. It's also an ideal place to get ready in the morning before setting off. So after taking a long, warm shower, use the make-up mirror available. For your enjoyment, our hotel has soundproof windows. We want you to have the best time possible in the hotel, so grab your family and get ready to play some sports. The necessary equipment is offered. If you have some time on your hands, spend it outside on our hotel's walking trails and enjoy the fresh air. Near our hotel downhill slopes are available. They are really popular among our hotel's ski-loving visitors. The sea is even more beautiful while leaning back on a boat. So grab your co-travellers, check out our boating activities and see for yourself. During your stay at our hotel, enjoy some of our leisure activities, like hang-gliding. Business hours of reception: Every day: from 00:00 to 00:00 .