We would like to gladly welcome you to the Yuandu Hotel. When you stay at a hotel that is a part of the Hotels LNG family you can be positive that all of your needs will fulfilled. You can use the hotel sauna for free. Wireless connection to the internet is available in the hotel's public rooms. Make yourself at home You can leave your important documents, money or jewellery in the hotel's safe while you are with us. To reach your comfy room on one of the upper floors we recommend you to use the lift. Video surveillance is operating in the lobby area. If you require a rental car during your stay, our hotel staff will be happy to help. Enjoy a relaxing evening with family or friends in our full-service dining room or the pleasant hotel bar. Where you will stay Each and every room features a desk so you can easily transform it into an office space. Those staying with us enjoy the minibar storing cold refreshing beverages, the cable TV and the easy-to-use telephone that are found in all of the rooms. Satellite TV is a standard facility provided in all of the hotel rooms. Coffee making facilities are available in your room. Our bathrooms all have a bathtub for your enjoyment. You will find a shower in your room's bathroom.