Our entire crew would like to gladly welcome you to the Shengxiao Hotel - Quzhou. When you stay at a hotel that is a part of the Hotels LNG family you can be confident that all of your needs will fulfilled. Visitors are welcome to hire a car directly from our reception and can use hotel parking during their stay. Wireless connection to the internet is available in the hotel's public rooms. Make yourself at home You won't have to worry about your valuable items while you are staying in the hotel - simply leave them with the talented staff at reception to be put in the hotels' safe. Our cosy hotel features a lift for its guests. Within the hotel a lobby is included. The hotel's high-quality eatery as well as the ambient café-bistro cater for all your culinary needs. Where you will stay In the hotel you will also have a desk in your suite. You'll find a minibar stocked with delicious goodies, cable TV with plenty of entertaining programmes as well as an easy-to-use phone in all of the rooms. For some in-room entertainment simply turn on the satellite Television set and watch your favourite channels. In each room a bathroom equipped with a shower is included.