Our whole crew would like to cheerfully welcome you to the Gold Central Hotel - Nanning. As a member of the Hotels LNG family, the Gold Central Hotel - Nanning is part of a network dedicated to providing you with total satisfaction with your accommodation. Our hotel provides daily newspapers, free of charge, for its visitors. Wireless connection to the internet is available in the hotel's public rooms. Make yourself at home Your valuables can be left at the reception for safekeeping. We offer a lift for convenient access to the comfortably decorated rooms on the upper floors. Video surveillance is operating in the lobby area. Car rental is available at the hotel. Just ask the friendly team at the reception at any time. The eatery has an extensive menu in which tantalizing culinary choices abound. Where you will stay Every room is equipped with a desk so you can easily transform it into an office space. Features, for instance cable television for visual and audio entertainment, are to be found in every single room. Our hotel's guests are provided with rooms with a properly functioning phone. Your room's bathroom includes a shower. Ask our experienced staff about the sauna supplied.