Dongfang International Hotel

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Dongfang International Hotel

Sun, 9-May-2010 China Rating 0.0 Голосов 0
Dongfang International Hotel
In the name of our entire team, we welcome you warmly to the Dongfang International Hotel. The Hotels LNG family gladly welcomes you to the Dongfang International Hotel! The hotel offers plenty of parking spaces for its visitors. Make yourself at home Your important documents, money or jewellery will be secure in the safety deposit box at reception. Guests of the hotel may find it convenient to use the lift to the upper floors. Our friendly staff will greet you in the lobby. Where you will stay Desks are a standard comfort in all of our hotel rooms. Conveniences, for example a minibar storing cold refreshing beverages, a properly functioning landline as well as cable TV, are at your ready in all our hotel rooms. On a rainy day you can enjoy your in-room entertainment. Satellite TVs are provided in all of the hotel rooms. Your room's bathroom includes a shower.
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