Our whole team would like to gladly welcome you to the Landison Plaza Hotel Hangzhou. When you stay at a hotel that is a part of the Hotels LNG family you can be assured that all of your needs will fulfilled. Access to the WiFi connection is available from the public areas in the hotel. Make yourself at home We offer you a safety deposit box for the storage of your jewellery, money or important documents while you are staying in our hotel. You can either use the stairs or our lift to reach your homy room on the upper floors. Our impressive lobby will start your trip off right. The knowledgeable team at the reception can provide you with more information on our in-house car hire service. Where you will stay Every room is equipped with a desk so you can easily transform it into an office space. In every single room at our hotel we have included a minibar filled with a wide-ranging selection of beverages, a television (cable) and an easy-to-use telephone. A refrigerator is included in your room. Coffee making facilities are available in your room. Your bathroom's complimentary bathrobes are at your ready when you get out of the shower. Your hotel room's bathroom also offers a hand-held blow-dryer. Relax or be active This hotel is outfitted with extraordinary features, such as the sauna. You will enjoy your work-out in our well-equipped fitness room. Leisure activities, like ping pong, are offered to ensure our visitors have a fun trip. While staying with us partake in some of our leisure activities, like a nice game of squash with your family.