Our entire team would like to warmly welcome you to the Penglai Xuefu Hotel. The Hotels LNG family proudly welcomes you to the Penglai Xuefu Hotel! Free daily newspapers are available for the hotel guests. Access to the WiFi connection is available from the public areas in the hotel. Make yourself at home You are welcome to leave your valuables in the safety deposit box at the reception while you are staying in the hotel. Our comfy hotel provides a lift for its clientele. Within the hotel a lobby is included. If you require a rental car during your stay, our hotel staff will be happy to help. Our guests can choose between a gourmet dining room and the delightful café - bistro - depending on how hungry they are. Where you will stay Conveniences, for example an air-conditioning-system, await you in your room. Our hotel rooms are equipped with a desk. Every single guest appreciates having its own cable TV set available in all our rooms. All our hotel rooms feature a convenient telephone. The room also includes a microwave. A refrigerator is included in your room. The bathrooms in all of our hotel rooms provide a shower. Relax or be active During your visit at the hotel enjoy some of the leisure activities, such as a friendly game of table tennis with your family and friends. We want you to have the best time possible at the hotel, so grab your friends and family and get ready to play some sports. The necessary equipment is available.