In the name of our entire team, we welcome you cordially to the Sunshine Hotel - Jincheng. When you stay at a hotel that is a part of the Hotels LNG family you can be assured that all of your needs will fulfilled. If you need a car, you can rent one directly from the hotel reception and use hotel parking during your stay. Hotel-amenities, for example a free newspaper delivered every day, are present in all of our rooms. Wireless connection to the internet is available in the hotel's public rooms. Make yourself at home Use the elevator to access the upper floors of our comfortable hotel. Our friendly staff will greet you in the lobby. While away the evening in our acclaimed restaurant or the convivial hotel bar. Where you will stay Desks are provided in our rooms. All of our rooms are equipped with cable TV with plenty of entertaining programmes as well as other attractive highlights such as a properly functioning phone and a minibar stocked with a large amount of beverages. In our rooms there is also satellite TV. Every hotel guest enjoys the strong box and the kettle for making coffee available in every room. The rooms in our hotel include a refrigerator. After you get out of your bathroom's shower slip into one of our complimentary robes. The hotel bathrooms also include a blow-dryer. Relax or be active A sauna can be found in the wellness area of our hotel. Our guests are invited to use the fully equipped fitness room.