In the name of our entire team, we welcome you gladly to the ShengYuan Hotel. As a member of the Hotels LNG family, the ShengYuan Hotel is part of a network dedicated to providing you with total satisfaction with your accommodation. We provide you a complimentary newspaper on a daily basis. Wireless connection to the internet is available in the hotel's public rooms. Make yourself at home You won't have to worry about your important documents, money or jewellery while you are with us - simply leave them with the knowledgeable staff at reception to be put in the hotels' safety deposit box. You can either use the stairs or our elevator to reach your well-found room on the upper floors. The lobby has video surveillance. You can hire a car directly from our hotel during your stay. Take advantage of the hotel's in-house dining room and café-bistro. Where you will stay Having a desk in your room is standard at our hotel. Your entertainment is ensured with cable TV in all the cosy hotel rooms. In each room a convenient telephone can be found. Each room is equipped with a shower.