We would like to proudly welcome you to the Beijing Spring Hotel Yanqing. The Hotels LNG family welcomes you to the Beijing Spring Hotel Yanqing! There are lots of parking spaces available to guests of the hotel. WiFi can be found in the hotel's public areas. Make yourself at home The lift to the upper floors makes it easy to reach your charming room. Our friendly staff will greet you in the lobby. Where you will stay If you need to use your room as an office space, you'll enjoy the desk on hand. Ask our sympathetic hotel staff about your own TV (cable), properly functioning telephone and minibar stocked with numerous beverages that are present in all our rooms. Satellite TV is a standard service available in our hotel rooms. All the hotel rooms are equipped with a shower. Relax or be active Take advantage of our sauna. You will enjoy your work-out in the state-of-the-art fitness room. Our hotel offers leisure activities, like table tennis, in order to ensure our guests have a fun-filled stay.