We would like to cordially welcome you to the Siyang New World Hotel. When you stay at a hotel that is a part of the Hotels LNG family you can be positive that all of your needs will fulfilled. Visitors are welcome to hire a car directly from our reception and can use hotel parking during their stay. Make yourself at home A safe is available at the reception for your valuables. Use the elevator to access the upper floors of our homey hotel. When entering the hotel you will be greeted in the lobby. The gourmet eatery and the leisurely hotel bar will make sure you don't go hungry or thirsty. Where you will stay All of the rooms feature a desk. Hotel-features, for instance a convenient landline, a cable television set as well as a minibar stocked with a large amount of beverages, are at your ready in each and every room. Satellite TVs are provided in each of the hotel rooms. A refrigerator is included in your room. Bathrooms in the hotel feature a shower, a bathtub and a hairdryer. After you've taken a relaxing shower in your hotel suite's bathroom, reach out and grab your own personal bathrobe. You can then dry your hair with the hair-dryer provided.