Our whole staff would like to proudly welcome you to the Bai Yu Lan Hotel - Zhoushan. As a member of the Hotels LNG family, this hotel is part of a network dedicated to providing you with total satisfaction with your accommodation. Make yourself at home Valuable items can be left at the reception for safekeeping. Our attractive offers a lift for guests. The lobby in the entrance is sure to make a great first impression. Car rental is available at our hotel. Just ask the helpful team at the reception whenever you like. Where you will stay Your room's desk is perfect in case you brought your work back to the hotel. Conveniences, such as an easy-to-use telephone, cable television for visual and audio entertainment and a minibar filled with a large quantity of beverages, are offered in every single room. Hotel guests can prepare a fresh cup of coffee in the room. Next to the shower in your bathroom you'll find a hair-dryer.