Our whole staff would like to warmly welcome you to the Mistral Hotel. You can leave your car in one of the many parking spaces during your trip. Free for you Each room at our hotel features a complimentary newspaper on a daily basis. If you are arriving by car, we have free parking directly at the hotel. Access to the WiFi connection is available from the public areas in the hotel. Make yourself at home Our handsome offers a lift for guests of the hotel. The roof's garden is enjoyed by all of our guests. Where you will stay When staying with us, you are supplied with a minibar stocked with mouth-watering goodies, an air-conditioning-system and a hair-dryer in all of the rooms. Having a desk in your room is standard at our hotel. Valuables, like your jewellery, money, important documents or laptop, can be stored securely with the help of the safety deposit box provided in every room. A hair-dryer is available in your room's restroom as well as a shower. The sound proof windows in each hotel room block out unwanted exterior noise. Make for the water and take advantage of our hotel's fun-filled activities, such as boating. It is a real favourite among our hotel's guests.