We would like to warmly welcome you to the Sunday Beach Hotel. You can leave your car in one of the many parking spaces during your trip. Enjoy the charge-free daily newspaper. WiFi can be found in the hotel's public areas. Make yourself at home You can either use the stairs or our lift to reach your charming room on the upper floors. The lobby in the entrance is sure to make a great first impression. The roof's garden is enjoyed by all of our guests. Enjoy a tasty dishes in our acclaimed eatery or pop by in our delightful bistro-café for some cool drinks. Where you will stay Ask our competent crew about the temperature control via AC, the hand-held hair-dryer and the minibar filled with a wide-ranging selection of beverages that are located in all our rooms. Satellite TVs are provided in each of the hotel rooms. In all of our hotel rooms an easy-to-use telephone can be found. In your room's bathroom you will find a shower as well as a blow-dryer.