In the name of our whole team, we welcome you proudly to the Palac Pawlowice. You can leave your car in one of the many parking spots while you are staying in the hotel. Free for you A free bottle of water awaits you on arrival. When booking with us, you will enjoy complimentary parking at the hotel. Wireless connection to the internet is available in the hotel's public rooms. Make yourself at home Our helpful reception offers assistance and advice around the clock. Culinary greetings from the kitchen Try our varied menu in our full-service hotel restaurant. Wholesome whole-grain dishes are included on the menu as well. Where you will stay Every room is equipped with a desk so you can easily transform it into an office space. Cable TV is standard in the hotel's homy rooms. A properly functioning landline is available in all our hotel rooms. While relaxing in your room you can turn on the radio and listen to some tunes. You will find a refrigerator, a coffee maker and a kitchenette available in our guests rooms. Relax or be active The guests enjoy their time in the sauna or solarium. Business hours of reception: Every day: from 00:00 to 00:00 .