In the name of our whole team, we welcome you cordially to the Alte Bäckerei. We have many parking spots available where you can leave you car while you are staying in the hotel. Free for you We provide guests with a complimentary bottle of water. Free parking is available at the hotel. Our hotel's wireless internet can be used in the spacious public areas. Make yourself at home The hotel features a rooftop garden as well as a garden terrace for your enjoyment. Special meals for our visitors with diabetes are provided as well. Where you will stay Each room is equipped with a desk so you can easily transform it into an office space. In every hotel room you will also find satellite TV. You'll also find a radio in our hotel rooms. The rooms in our hotel include a refrigerator. Each room also comes with coffee making facilities. In your room's bathroom you'll find heated towel bars, a shower as well as a blow-dryer. Business hours of reception: On business days: from 07:00 to 20:00 On the weekend: from 08:00 to 20:00 .