Our entire crew would like to enthusiastically welcome you to the Mezaparks. Our hotel offers lots of parking spots for its guests. Located at our hotel are car parking spots for the benefit of our guests. Free for you When booking with us, you will enjoy complimentary parking at the hotel. Please ask our friendly staff about free room upgrades when checking in. Our guests will enjoy wireless internet access in public areas, as well as the use of a computer with access to the internet. The use of which is free of charge. Make yourself at home Ask the helpful receptionists for assistance at all times. We have video surveillance in our lobby. Enjoy an eclectic meal on our charming veranda, weather permitting. Where you will stay In-room entertainment will be provided by a TV set featuring cable channels. In all of our rooms there is also satellite TV. While relaxing in your room you can turn on the radio and listen to some tunes. Relax or be active If you happen to have some free time, try out some of the leisure activities, like a nice game of volley ball with your friends and family. During your visit at the hotel partake in some of the leisure activities. We provide the necessary equipment for all kinds of sports. Leisure activities available include boat trips, windsurfing and water skiing. Fishing gear is also available in the hotel. This peaceful yet fun outing is a big hit among our hotel's visitors. Business hours of reception: Every day: from 00:00 to 00:00 .