Our whole crew would like to cheerfully welcome you to the Hotel Hacienda de Zapata. Guests arriving by car are welcome to use the hotel's available parking spaces. During your stay, you can park for free at the hotel. Wireless connection to the internet is available in the hotel's public rooms. To assist you in having a pleasant stay, the hotel offers you the use of our laundry service. Where you will stay Air conditioning can be found in all of the hotel rooms. Each and every room features a desk so you can easily transform it into an office space. There is cable television in each and every room. The clientele of the hotel can keep their valuable possessions secure by using the strong box provided. For your convenience Our hotel offers a properly functioning landline in all of the rooms for you to keep in contact with your loved ones. In your hotel room's bathroom you will find a shower as well as a hand-held hair-dryer.