With 20 comfortably furnished rooms, the hotel is a 4 star boutique resort. Stay current using the quick internet connection provided by the hotel. The hotel is pleased to provide car rental for its visitors. Just ask at the reception for details. Our knowledgeable reception staff will be pleased to place your valuable items in the hotel safe. Enjoy a wholesome meal from our room service and use the punctual wake-up service in the morning. Stay cool and current using the internet access and air conditioning provided in every room in the hotel. Keep up with current events with the TV and telephone in your room in the hotel. All rooms in the hotel are provided with a well-stocked minibar and hairdryer as well as tea and coffee-making facilities. Relax with a beauty treatment in the hotel. The outdoor pool offers exercise to our sporty guests and relaxation to others. After a busy day relax with a massage in the homely hotel. The hotel's visitors enjoy the sauna and steam room. Meet with friends in the pleasant for a refreshing drink. The restaurant team will welcome you to your table, with vegetarian specialities for our visitors. We can't wait to greet you and begin your visit with us!