We would like to cordially welcome you to the Fairfield Inn & Suites Moscow. When you stay at a hotel that is a part of the Marriott family you can be sure that all of your needs will fulfilled. We have many parking spots available where you can leave you car while you are staying in the hotel. Free daily newspapers are available for the hotel guests. Make yourself at home Our handsome features a lift for guests. Our friendly staff will greet you in the lobby. Fine dining is never far away with an acclaimed eatery conveniently located in-house. Where you will stay Take advantage of the kettle ideal for preparing coffee in the morning, the blow-dryer, the temperature control via AC and the cable TV for visual and audio entertainment that are part of all of the rooms. At the hotel you'll also have a desk in your suite. In every hotel room an easy-to-use telephone can be found. Radios are a standard facility in each and every hotel room. The room also includes a microwave. In your room a refrigerator is at your disposal. Bathrooms in the hotel feature a shower, a bathtub and a hairdryer.