In the name of our entire staff, we welcome you cheerfully to the Good Nice Hotel Patong. There are lots of parking spots available to guests of the hotel. Hotel guests receive a free bottle of water. Our hotel's wireless internet can be used in the spacious public areas. Make yourself at home The cushy hotel offers a lift for its visitors. To assist you in having a pleasant stay, the hotel offers you the use of our laundry service. Where you will stay Customise your room temperature with the climate control providing you with fresh air. Keep your drinks refrigerated or enjoy one out of our minibar while lounging in front of the cable television set or chatting on the phone. Further conveniences such as the provided hair-dryer will also tend to your needs. Also available in each and every room are a safe and a kettle (for preparing coffee). A refrigerator is included in your room. Not only will you find a shower in your bathroom but also a hair-dryer.