In the name of our whole team, we welcome you cheerfully to the Albano. If you need a car, you can rent one directly from the hotel reception and use hotel parking during your stay. On arrival at the hotel you will receive a free welcome drink. The public rooms in the hotel all offer WiFi. Make yourself at home Valuable items will be stored securely in the safe at reception. You can either use the stairs or our elevator to reach your comfortably decorated room on the upper floors. Relax in the spacious lobby with friends or spend time in the quite reading room. Culinary greetings from the kitchen Meet your family or friends in our hotel bar. And if you're craving something to eat, then get going towards our restaurant, which also serves diabetic meals. Halal meals are also offered. Choose from a wide range of wholesome whole-grain dishes in our hotel's café. Where you will stay Each and every room includes a TV (cable) as well as other attractive features such as a landline, an air conditioner, a blow-dryer and a minibar. In case you happen to have some time on your hands, you can enjoy some satellite TV in your room. Stay up-to-date on current affairs. You can take advantage of the newspaper in your room to catch up on thw international news. Hotel-conveniences, like a strong box, are offered in your room. The radio in every room allows you to listen to some music as well as the news. Bathrooms in this hotel come with windows. Your room's restroom entails a shower and a hair-dryer for drying your hair afterwards. Business hours of reception: Every day: from 00:00 to 00:00 .