We would like to cheerfully welcome you to the Catez Hotel. When you stay at a hotel that is a part of the Terme Catez family you can be positive that all of your needs will fulfilled. It doesn't matter whether you're staying for one night or more, you will find plenty of parking spaces available at our comfortable hotel. Free for you Hotel guests enjoy a free daily newspaper. Parking is located directly at the hotel for free. Make yourself at home The reception desk, which is manned 24/7, also has a safety deposit box. Guests of this hotel may find it convenient to use the lift to the upper floors. Our lobby is kept under video surveillance. The hotel's garden terrace provides an enjoyable atmosphere for its guests. Culinary greetings from the kitchen Our friendly hotel chef is glad to provide a menu well-suited to any taste of dishes for both diabetic and vegetarian guests. Seating outside is available as well at the restaurant and bistro-café. Wholesome foods including multi-grain products are offered at the hotel. Where you will stay Your own minibar, telephone, cable TV, hair-dryer and air conditioner await you in your cosy room. A strong box, a hand-held blow-dryer, an office table as well as a radio are included in each hotel room. In case you happen to have some time to kill, you can enjoy some satellite TV in your room. Heated towel racks are a feature in the bathrooms. Relax or be active An additional highlight is the jacuzzi. We provide a well-equipped fitness room for the guests of the hotel. Ping pong is one of the leisure activities provided in our hotel and is a true crowd-pleaser among our guests. If you happen to be bored, try out some of the leisure activities, such as a nice game of squash with your family. In between your other planned activities take a break and use the paths provided to take a walk. Business hours of reception: Every day: from 00:00 to 00:00 .