In the name of our whole crew, we welcome you enthusiastically to the St.Georgije. The hotel provides ample parking spots for its visitors. Free for you Free daily newspapers are available for the hotel guests. Parking is located directly at the hotel for free. We have an Internet terminal at the hotel which you can use free of charge. In addition, there is free Wi-Fi in public areas. Make yourself at home You can leave articles of value for secure storage in the hotel strong box at reception which is manned at all times. We have video surveillance in our lobby. A garden terrace is also provided. Your little ones will feel at home in our hotel, which has its own play area. Children or the entire family can be accommodated in non-smoking rooms. Please indicate your preference when booking. Culinary greetings from the kitchen The café-bistro includes vegetarian and diabetic as well as wholesome whole-grain meals. Where you will stay Features, for instance a hand-held hair-dryer, a safe, an office desk and a radio, can be found in all the rooms. The rooms in the hotel feature satellite TV. Stay up-to-date on current affairs. You can use the newspaper in your room to catch up on thw international news. The hotel's guests are provided with their own minibar storing cold refreshing beverages that is available in every single room. In all rooms an easy-to-use phone is available. Your suite's restroom includes a shower and a blow-dryer for drying your hair afterwards. The hotel offers changing mats and baby monitors for our younger visitors. Simply request them upon arrival. Business hours of reception: Every day: from 00:00 to 00:00 .