Our entire staff would like to warmly welcome you to the Akyra Beach Club Phuket. You can hire a car directly from the hotel and are entitled to use hotel parking during your stay. Free for you You will receive a free welcome drink on arrival. If you are arriving by car, we have free parking directly at the hotel. The public rooms in the hotel all offer WiFi. Make yourself at home The qualified reception offers assistance and advice at all times. You can relax in the lobby or in the cozy reading room. The terrace in the garden provides a great relaxing area. The full-service eatery gives you the option to dine on its charming terrace. Where you will stay In case you happen to have some spare time, you can enjoy some satellite TV in your room. We provide you a safe as well as a minibar filled with a large selection of beverages that are featured in every single room. Use the convenient phone in your hotel suite to touch base with your friends and family. Each room also comes with coffee making facilities. For an instant cup of cocoa use the electric water boiler available in our hotel rooms. Our Hotel has windows in the bathroom. You will find located in your room a shower, a bathtub and a hairdryer. In your room's bathroom we lay out personal house coats and provide a hand-held blow-dryer for our visitors. They come in handy after you're finished taking a shower. Relax or be active Our visitors are invited to use the state-of-the-art fitness room. We want your stay with us to be a fun-filled one, so grab your friends and enjoy a nice game of table tennis. Business hours of reception: Every day: from 00:00 to 00:00 .