We would like to enthusiastically welcome you to the Crowne Plaza Kochi. When you stay at a hotel that is a part of the InterContinental Hotels Group family you can be assured that all of your needs will fulfilled. There are ample parking spaces available to guests. Every single guest appreciates the free newspaper delivered every day. WiFi can be found in the hotel's public areas. The acclaimed dining room and our convivial bar are just the place to meet family and friends. Where you will stay All of the hotel rooms feature a desk. Before going to sleep at night, you can flip through the satellite channels on your room's television. A safe as well as a minibar stocked with delicious goodies are in all of our rooms. A convenient telephone is included in each room. Hotel guests can prepare a fresh cup of coffee in the room. Our bathrooms all have a bathtub for your enjoyment. Our guests are supplied with a house coat as well as a hand-held blow-dryer that are present in each hotel room.