In the name of our whole crew, we welcome you happily to the Grand Hotel Excelsior. We provide car parking space at the hotel for your convenience while you stay with us. A free bottle of water awaits you on arrival. A free internet terminal is available. Make yourself at home Ask the hotel's experienced receptionists for assistance at all times. Take advantage of the garden terrace. Children are very welcome in this hotel, which has its own play area and also offers non-smoking rooms. You will not have to go hungry - or thirsty - with our gourmet eatery and the pleasant hotel bar providing for your every need. Where you will stay Hotel-amenities, for example a radio receiver, a safety deposit box, a desk as well as a hand-held hair-dryer, are present in each and every room. Those staying at our hotel appreciate the convenient phone, the cable TV set and the minibar stocked with delicious goodies that are located in all of the rooms. The bathrooms in this hotel have windows for your convenience. Not only will you find a shower in your bathroom but also a hair-dryer. Relax or be active Ask our competent staff about our hotel's tanning studio included. While staying with us enjoy some of our leisure activities, like a nice game of table tennis with your family. While visiting with us partake in some of our leisure activities, like a friendly game of volley ball with your friends and family. If you happen to have some time to kill, try out some of our leisure activities, such as wind-surfing! It's ideal for sharing fun-filled moments with your family and friends. The sea is even more beautiful while unwinding on a boat. Take advantage of our hotel's sailing activities and see for yourself. Business hours of reception: Every day: from 00:00 to 00:00 .