We would like to cordially welcome you to the Charme & Business Hôtel Lyon. Parking is not a problem at our hotel, we have ample parking available for our guests. Free for you One of our hotel conveniences is a free newspaper on a daily basis. Parking is located directly at the hotel for free. Access to the WiFi connection is available from the public areas in the hotel. Make yourself at home Guests of this hotel may find it convenient to use the elevator to the upper floors. The lobby in the entrance is sure to make a great first impression. Take advantage of the garden terrace. Where you will stay All our guests enjoy having a minibar stocked with numerous beverages, a temperature control via AC as well as a hair-dryer that can be located in all the rooms. If you need to use your suite as an office space, you'll enjoy the desk available. On a rainy day you can take advantage of your in-room entertainment. Satellite TVs are provided in each of the hotel rooms. All the rooms at our hotel are equipped with a strong box and a kettle for making coffee. In every room our hotel offers an easy-to-use telephone. Amenities, such as a bathrobe as well as a blow-dryer, are part of all of our hotel rooms. Our hotel provides you with a steam bath to unwind and recover from a long day.