In the name of our whole crew, we welcome you happily to the Hotel Star Plaza. Guests of the hotel who are travelling by train can easily reach our homey hotel by foot. There are lots of parking spaces for our hotel guests. Your free daily newspaper can be delivered to your well-appointed room on request. Wireless connection to the internet is available in the hotel's public rooms. Make yourself at home To reach your lovely room on one of the upper floors we recommend you to use the elevator. The garden on the roof is a great place to spend your free time. Where you will stay A minibar storing cold refreshing beverages and a blow-dryer are provided in our rooms with an air conditioner. Desks are a standard feature in all of the rooms. Our hotel rooms feature satellite TV. Rooms come with coffee making utensils. All of our hotel rooms have ceiling fans in them. There are complimentary house coats in your room's bathroom. Try one on after you step out of the shower.