We would like to happily welcome you to the Romantic Hotel Excelsior. At our hotel there are parking spaces for your car and also secure parking for bikes and motorbikes. Free for you The use of the hotel sauna is included in your stay and comes at no extra cost. Access to the WiFi connection is available from the public areas in the hotel. Make yourself at home Give your jewellery, money or important documents to the experienced reception staff for storage or keep them in the strong box in your comfy. Storage for your ski equipment is available. Culinary greetings from the kitchen For a quick bite to eat make for the hotel's restaurant that offers both vegetarian as well as wholesome whole-grain meals. Where you will stay A desk is at your disposal in your room to comfortably fill out post cards or finish up any work you might have brought back from the office. In-room entertainment will be provided by a television featuring cable channels. In case you happen to have some free time, you can enjoy some satellite TV in your room. In your hotel suite's bathroom we lay out personal bathrobes and provide a hand-held blow-dryer for our guests. They come in handy after you're finished taking a shower. The sound proof windows in each hotel room block out unwanted exterior noise. Relax or be active Listen to the bubbles of relaxation in our jacuzzi or unwind in our sauna, or try out both! We offer numerous conveniences to make your visit here with us more enjoyable, for instance the relaxing sauna. A steam bath is also included. The necessary equipment for many different sports is offered to ensure our visitors have a fun-filled trip. During your visit at the hotel take advantage of some of our leisure activities, like horseback-riding. If you have some spare time, spend it outside on our walking trails and enjoy the fresh air. Enjoy spending your free time out on the slopes with your family. The hilly scenery is ideal for our visitors who know how to have fun in the snow. Business hours of reception: On business days: from 08:00 to 23:00 .