We would like to happily welcome you to the Hlosi Game Lodge. We have many parking spots available where you can leave you car while you are staying in the hotel. WiFi can be found in the hotel's public areas. Make yourself at home We invite you to spend time in the spacious lobby area or the hotel's reading room during your stay. A garden terrace is also provided. Where you will stay The visitors are provided with a minibar stocked with a large amount of beverages, an AC and a hand-held hair-dryer available in all of our rooms. Features, like a safe and a kettle for preparing coffee in the morning, are in every room. You will find a refrigerator in each of our hotel rooms. Bathrooms feature a shower, a bathtub and a hairdryer. As a courtesy to you soft robes await you in your room's bathroom. You can slip one on after you're done showering and then dry your hair with the hand-held hair-dryer available.