Our whole crew would like to warmly welcome you to the Continental Fano. Our comfortable hotel is conveniently situated a short distance from the station. Guests arriving by car are welcome to use the hotel's available parking spaces. Free for you During your stay, you can park for free at the hotel. We provide a free shuttle service from the train station, to our hotel, for your convenience. Our hotel offers a free shuttle service that will take you directly to the train station. Free Wi-Fi in public areas and complimentary access to a computer terminal (with internet) await you at our hotel. Make yourself at home You can leave your valuables for safe storage in the hotel strong box at reception which is manned around the clock. The terrace in the garden provides a great relaxing area. Culinary greetings from the kitchen Meet your friends or family at the bar or at our restaurant. The chef there also provides wholesome whole wheat foods and caters for both diabetic and vegetarian clients. Where you will stay Don't forget to check out the useful blow-dryer, the AC and the minibar filled with a large selection of beverages that are featured in every single hotel room. Desks are available in our rooms. Satellite TVs are provided in each of the hotel rooms. We also provide international newspapers in the rooms. The visitors of the hotel can keep their prized possessions secure by using the safety deposit box provided. Each hotel room features a telephone. Bathrooms in this hotel come with windows. Relax or be active During your visit at our hotel enjoy some of our leisure activities, like a friendly game of ping pong with your co-travellers. A volley ball field is offered at the hotel and is very well-liked among our hotel's guests. Get ready to hit the waves - Wind-surfing gear is available, for both the professionals and for those just seeking a good time. You can go on one of our boat or fishing trips. Business hours of reception: Every day: from 00:00 to 00:00 .