We would like to enthusiastically welcome you to the Hotel Les Jardins d' Epone. Parking is located directly at the hotel for free. Make yourself at home Your articles of value can be left at the reception for safekeeping. Fine dining is never far away with a full-service eatery conveniently located in-house. Where you will stay If you're visiting with us on business, you'll enjoy having a desk in your room. Features, for example a cable TV set, are part of all of our rooms. Satellite TVs are available in your room. During your entire trip you will be able to stay in touch with your family and friends since an easy-to-use landline is available in each and every room. Relax and unwind in the bath in your very own bathroom. Business hours of reception: On business days: from 06:30 to 22:00 and from 06:30 to 22:00 On the weekend: from 08:00 to 21:00 .