Our whole staff would like to warmly welcome you to the The Crane Resort. There are plenty of parking spaces for our hotel guests. All the hotel guests appreciate having their own free newspaper delivered day-to-day. WiFi can be found in the hotel's public areas. Make yourself at home The lift to the upper floors makes it easy to reach your well-appointed room. Our impressive lobby will start your trip off right. Enjoy a wholesome meals in the high-quality dining room or pop by in the delightful bistro-café for some hot and cold drinks. Where you will stay We provide our visitors with their own AC, kettle (for brewing coffee in the morning), hand-held blow-dryer and cable TV set in all of the rooms. Having a desk in your room is standard in the hotel. Our guests enjoy the benefit of Pay TV. Valuable items, for instance your laptop, important documents, money or jewellery, can be stored securely thanks to the safe provided in every single room. We provide a kitchenette, a fridge, a microwave and a coffee maker in each of our hotel rooms. For your amusement DVD-players are available in all of our rooms. If you're feeling warm, just turn on your room's ceiling fan. As a courtesy soft house coats await you in your room's bathroom. You can slip one on after you're done showering and then dry your hair with the blow-dryer provided.