In the name of our entire staff, we welcome you gladly to the Courtyard Vicksburg. When you stay at a hotel that is a part of the Marriott family you can be positive that all of your needs will fulfilled. The hotel features plenty of parking spaces for its clientele. Hotel-highlights, for instance a complimentary newspaper delivered every day, are to be found in all of our rooms. Make yourself at home Our quaint provides a lift for guests of the hotel. When entering the hotel you will be greeted in the lobby. Wholesome snacks can be enjoyed in the hotel bistro. Where you will stay Air-conditioning, a blow-dryer, the necessary utensils for making coffee and a TV (cable) are provided in each room. Having a desk in your room is standard at our hotel. The rooms in the hotel all have a radio in them. A microwave is available in each of the rooms. A refrigerator is included in your room. Bathrooms in the hotel feature a shower, a bathtub and a hairdryer. It is inevitable that you will enjoy the time in the jacuzzi.