Our entire crew would like to warmly welcome you to the MGM MACAU. Our hotel offers plenty of parking spots for its guests. Free for you Enjoy a complimentary welcome drink and bottle of water when you stay with us. As a courtesy we restock your room's minibar once free of charge. Make yourself at home The the qualified staff at the reception of the welcoming hotel will be happy to assist you 24/7 while you are with us. The cushy hotel provides a lift for its clientele. When entering the hotel you will be greeted in the lobby. Where you will stay In the hotel you'll also have a desk in your suite. Those staying here with us appreciate the television (cable), the minibar stocked with delicious goodies as well as the properly functioning telephone that can be found in all of our hotel rooms. Each guest enjoys having pay TV for visual and audio entertainment that is part of all the rooms. Directly from your room you can stay informed about global affairs with the newspaper offered to. Your hotel room's electric water boiler comes in handy if you would like to make a morning cup of tea or coffee. Bathrooms in the hotel feature a shower, a bathtub and a hairdryer. The bathrooms in the hotel provide heated towel holders. You'll also find hair-dryers and make-up mirrors in them. These features are useful after a long, hot shower. The hotel provides its guests with a TV in their bathroom. Soundproof windows are a feature in all rooms at our hotel. Business hours of reception: Every day: from 00:00 to 00:00 .