This comfortable hotel is an excellent base for discerning guests during their trip (3 stars) in 27 rooms. The modern business floor provides everything you need to get the job done away from the office. Park your car safely in the hotel's secure car park. Bring your children with you - they will enjoy the secure play area. We will also provide a crib if requested when making your booking. The spacious hotel rooms are equipped with a cable TV, Internet access and much more. Housing Hotel benefits from a communal kitchen with a supply of free snacks and drinks. The entire facilities are non-smoking. Enjoy exploring the area on the bicycles available for hire from the hotel. The apartments, accommodating up to 6 people, feature a fully equipped private kitchen and a large living room. They have 1, 2 or 3 bedrooms with double and single beds and a foldaway double bed in the living room. Some of the suites and apartments are situated in a beautifully restored historical building located 100 metres from the hotel, while the "Renovated Apartments" (one bedroom) are located in a nicely renovated building (3 floors, no lift) at the same distance. Business hours of reception: On business days: from 08:00 to 22:00 On the weekend: from 08:00 to 22:00 .