Hotel Triada

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Hotel Triada

Sun, 9-May-2010 Bulgaria Rating 0.0 Голосов 0
Hotel Triada
In the name of our whole staff, we welcome you proudly to the Hotel Triada. Guests arriving by car are welcome to use the hotel's available parking spaces. Parking is located directly at the hotel for free. WiFi can be found in the hotel's public areas. Make yourself at home You can either use the stairs or our lift to reach your comfy room on the upper floors. The hotel is also equipped with a roof-top garden. Where you will stay An air-conditioning system, a minibar stocked with mouth-watering goodies as well as a hair-dryer are in every single room. Each room is equipped with a desk so you can easily transform it into an office space. Internet TV is part of the facilities found in your room. Each hotel room features a telephone. In your room's bathroom you will find a shower as well as a blow-dryer. The hotel offers many amenities to make your time here more enjoyable, for instance the soothing sauna.
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