We would like to warmly welcome you to the The Gastonian. Our hotel has ample parking spaces available. Enjoy our charge-free daily newspaper. The public rooms in the hotel all offer WiFi. Make yourself at home Our friendly staff will greet you in the lobby. Where you will stay Services, for example air conditioning, are to be found in your hotel room. Desks are provided in all of our hotel rooms. You will find pay television with plenty of entertaining programmes in all our hotel rooms. Internet TV is available in your room. Use the convenient phone in your hotel suite to touch base with your friends or family. Each room also comes with coffee making facilities. If you happen to have some free time, grab your family for a movie marathon. In all of our rooms a DVD-player is available. Switch on the ceiling fan in your room for a nice draft. The use of bathrobes and the blow dryer in each of the fetchingly furnished rooms is complimentary.