In the name of our whole staff, we welcome you warmly to the Residence Inn Whitby. As a member of the Marriott family, this hotel is part of a network dedicated to providing you with total satisfaction with your accommodation. You can leave your car in one of the many parking spaces while you are staying in the hotel. One of our hotel's conveniences is a complimentary newspaper delivered every day. Make yourself at home To reach your well-appointed room on one of the upper floors we recommend you to use the elevator. Within the hotel a lobby is included. Guests will find dishes to suit every taste in the dining room. Where you will stay While visiting us, you are supplied with a hand-held hair-dryer, cable TV for visual and audio entertainment, an air-conditioning-system and a kettle (for brewing coffee) in all rooms. Your room features a desk. One of the hotel amenities is pay television for visual and audio entertainment that is featured in each room. A radio is available in each and every hotel room. All guest rooms have a microwave, a fridge, a coffee maker and a kitchenette available. Our bathrooms all have a bathtub for your enjoyment. Believe us when we say that you will absolutely love relaxing in the jacuzzi.