In the name of our entire crew, we welcome you happily to the Hôtel Escatel. Guests arriving by car are welcome to use the hotel's available parking spaces. Free parking is available at the hotel. Our hotel's wireless internet can be used in the spacious public areas. Make yourself at home We have a lift for convenient access to the homy rooms on the upper floors. The lobby in the entrance is sure to make a great first impression. The terrace in the garden is definitely a sight to see. Our gourmet restaurant and well-stocked hotel bar feature delicious meals and beverages of all sorts. Relax and unwind in the bath in your very own bathroom. You will find a shower in your hotel room's bathroom. Energetic guests are invited to use the well-equipped fitness room. Business hours of reception: On business days: from 07:30 to 22:30 On the weekend: from 07:30 to 16:30 .