In the name of our entire team, we welcome you cordially to the Andrikken Hotell. The Norlandia Hotel Group family would like to welcome you to the Andrikken Hotell! Our hotel offers plenty of parking spaces for its guests. Free for you If you are arriving by car, we have free parking directly at the hotel. Our hotel's wireless internet can be used in the spacious public areas. Make yourself at home The our friendly staff at the reception of our modest hotel will be happy to assist you at all times during your trip. Our accommodating features a lift for guests. The lobby in the entrance is sure to make a great first impression. Where you will stay Hotel-conveniences, for instance an AC, are included in all our rooms. Your entertainment is ensured with cable TV in all our charming hotel rooms. All of the rooms in our hotel are equipped with a convenient landline. Business hours of reception: Every day: from 00:00 to 00:00 .