Business hours of reception: 24 hours Welcome to the Slaviero Slim Centro. If you're searching for affordable comfort and quality, then look no further than this property. At this hotel, you will experience personal service and high quality standards that are beyond compare. Major attractions that are within close proximity of the hotel include the Metropolitan Cathedral, Guaira Theater, Tiradentes Square, 24 Hours Street, Opera De Arame Theater and the Botanical Garden. All 89 tastefully appointed guest rooms are equipped with standard amenities for the most demanding travellers. Comfortable facilities and convenience are qualities that you will come to expect when you stay at the Slaviero Slim Centro. Cordial and excellent staff is available to assist you. Whether your stay is for business or pleasure, you're sure to enjoy being a guest of the hotel. Business hours of reception: Every day: from 00:00 to 00:00 .