We would like to happily welcome you to the InterContinental Maracaibo. When you stay at a hotel that is a part of the InterContinental Hotels Group family you can be assured that all of your needs will fulfilled. There are plenty of parking spaces available to guests of this hotel. Hotel guests can receive a daily newspaper free of charge. The public rooms in the hotel all offer WiFi. Our gourmet dining room and the well-stocked hotel bar will make sure you don't go hungry or thirsty. Where you will stay Your room's desk is perfect in case you brought your work back to the hotel. Hotel-highlights, for instance a safe and a kettle ideal for brewing a cup of coffee in the morning, are available in all our rooms. We supply those staying here with rooms with a convenient telephone. Hotel rooms include a trouser press. Bathrooms with a bath are a standard feature in our hotel. The hotel staff is looking forward to seeing you enjoy the jacuzzi.