We would like to proudly welcome you to the Economy Inn Reedsport. When you stay at a hotel that is a part of the TravAmerica family you can be certain that all of your needs will fulfilled. The hotel has plenty of parking spots available. You don't want to leave your four-legged friends at home while travelling? No problem with this welcoming hotel - just bring them along! Wireless connection to the internet is available in the hotel's public rooms. Where you will stay All of our hotel guests appreciate having their own climate control via AC found in all rooms. Each of the rooms have a desk. Every single guest enjoys having a TV (cable) that is present in every single room. Use the properly functioning phone in your suite to touch base with your friends and family. Your room is equipped with a microwave. You will find a refrigerator in each of our hotel rooms. The rooms are equipped with a bathroom with a shower. Once you're finished showering grab your bathroom's hair-dryer to dry your hair quickly.