In the name of our entire staff, we welcome you enthusiastically to the Hengfeng Haiyue International. Those staying at the hotel are welcome to hire a car directly from our reception and can use hotel parking during their stay. Car parking facilities are located at the hotel for your use. Please specify when making a booking. For your safety and security, video surveillance cameras are in the hallways and entrance of the hotel. Security staff patrol around the hotel and car park. Secure parking for bikes is also available. Free for you To help keep you refreshed, you will find a free bottle of water and a fruit bowl in your room. You will find a complimentary newspaper delivered every day in every room. The hotel sauna is available to use and is complimentary during your stay. During your stay, you can park for free at the hotel. We have an Internet terminal at the hotel which you can use free of charge. In addition, there is free Wi-Fi in public areas. Make yourself at home Valuable items will be stored securely in our strong box at reception. Guests may find it convenient to use the elevator to the upper floors. The lobby is under constant video surveillance. You can also enjoy the garden on the roof of the hotel. Culinary greetings from the kitchen Enjoy a yummy dishes in the high-quality restaurant or pop by in the ambient bistro-café for some tasty hot and cold beverages. Where you will stay Cable television for visual and audio entertainment, a kettle for brewing coffee in the morning, a hair-dryer as well as an air-conditioning-system are provided in every hotel room. Take advantage of the satellite Television set available in our hotel rooms. Our hotel offers its guests a TV (pay) included in all of the rooms. You will enjoy the internet TV found in your room. As a courtesy Our hotel supplies a properly functioning telephone in all the hotel rooms for you to keep in contact with your loved ones. There is a kitchenette and a fridge in our guest rooms. Relax or be active We propose our visitors use the sauna. Business hours of reception: Every day: from 00:00 to 00:00 .