Best Western

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Best Western

Sun, 9-May-2010 Germany Rating 0.0 Голосов 0
Best Western
In the name of our entire staff, we welcome you happily to the Best Western. As a member of the Best Western family, this hotel is part of a network dedicated to providing you with total satisfaction with your accommodation. Car parking facilities are located at the hotel for your use. Please specify when making a booking. Free for you On arrival at the hotel you will receive a free bottle of water. There is a free newspaper delivered day-to-day in all hotel rooms. Free Wi-Fi in public areas and complimentary access to a computer terminal (with internet) await you at our hotel. Make yourself at home Our visitors are welcome to leave your valuable items at our strong box at the reception. Access to the upper floors is made easy by our lift. We have video surveillance in our lobby. The roof's garden is enjoyed by all of our guests. Where you will stay Our visitors are supplied with their own work desk, hand-held hair-dryer, radio receiver and safety deposit box that are included in all of the rooms. On a rainy day you can enjoy your in-room entertainment. Satellite televisions are provided in each and every hotel room. Every single guest enjoys the pay TV with plenty of entertaining programmes that is part of all hotel rooms. The international newspapers found in every room are a big hit among our hotel's guests. You will find a blow-dryer, a kettle for brewing a cup of coffee and a minibar stocked with many different beverages in all the hotel rooms. Use the convenient telephone in your suite to touch base with your friends and family. A shower, a bathtub and a hairdryer can be found in the bathroom of your room. Take advantage of the warm towels from the heated towel bars after you step out of the shower. And when it's time to get ready, the make-up mirror and blow-dryer will come in handy. For your enjoyment, our hotel has soundproof windows. Business hours of reception: Every day: from 00:00 to 00:00 .
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