Our whole crew would like to cheerfully welcome you to the Fairfield Inn & Suites Marion. When you stay at a hotel that is a part of the Marriott family you can be assured that all of your needs will fulfilled. The hotel offers lots of parking spaces for its visitors. Free daily newspapers are available for the hotel clientele. Make yourself at home Our comfy hotel provides a lift for its guests. Within the hotel a lobby is included. Come and enjoy the tasty food in the dining room. Where you will stay Those staying here with us are provided with air-conditioning, cable television with plenty of entertaining programmes, a kettle ideal for preparing a cup of coffee in the morning and a hair-dryer that are located in all rooms. Having a desk in your suite is standard in the hotel. The in-room entertainment consists of a radio. Turn it on and let the party begin. Your room is equipped with a microwave. In your room a refrigerator is at your disposal. Every bathroom has a bathtub for your convenience. Your paradise is here at our hotel, especially if you're a jacuzzi-lover.