We would like to gladly welcome you to the Seven Boutique Hotel. Parking is not a problem at our hotel, we have ample parking available for our visitors. For the convenience of our hotel quests, car parking space is available at the hotel on request. Hotel-services, such as a free newspaper delivered once a day, are provided in all of the rooms. Wireless connection to the internet is available in the hotel's public rooms. Make yourself at home To reach your homy room on one of the upper floors we recommend you to use the lift. The terrace in the garden provides a great relaxing area. Culinary greetings from the kitchen During the day head towards our hotel's restaurant and grab a bite to eat. Appropriate meals for our vegetarian guests are on the menu as well. Afterwards conclude the day with a heady spirit or thirst-quenching soft drink at our hotel's bar. Conveniences, like cable television for visual and audio entertainment, are available in all hotel rooms. Every single hotel room features a restroom with a shower. Once you're finished showering grab your bathroom's blow-dryer to dry your hair quickly. Business hours of reception: On business days: from 07:30 to 20:00 On the weekend: from 07:30 to 20:00 .